Permasalahan-Permasalahan Yang Dihadapi Siswa SMA Di Kota Singaraja Dalam Mempelajari Fisika
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi siswa di SMA di Kota Singaraja dalam mempelajari fisika. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif desain grounded theory. Informan penelitian adalah siswa dan guru fisika siswa SMA-SMA di kota Singaraja. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode survey, observasi, dan wawancara. Survey yang dilakukan menggunakan instrumen kuisioner. Observasi yang dilakukan adalah observasi partisipatif jenis partisipasi pasif. Teknik wawancara yang digunakan berjenis wawancara semiterstruktur. Analisis data sebelum di lapangan dilakukan terhadap data-data pendahuluan yang diperoleh. Analisis data di lapangan mencakup tiga kegiatan yang bersamaan yaitu: (1) reduksi data (2) penyajian data, dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan (verifikasi). Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh bahwa permasalahan-permasalahan yang dihadapi siswa SMA di Singaraja dalam belajar fisika ada dua yaitu sulitnya memahami pelajaran fisika dan tidak sukanya siswa terhadap pelajaran fisika. Kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari fisika disebabkan oleh dua hal yaitu materi fisika yang padat, menghapal, dan menghitung, serta pembelajaran fisika di kelas yang tidak kontekstual. Tidak sukanya siswa terhadap pelajaran fisika disebabkan karena pada pembelajaran fisika di kelas guru tidak memperhatikan siswa.
Kata Kunci : permasalahan belajar, siswa SMA, fisika
The study was aimed at disclosing the problems faced by the students at senior high schools (SHS) in Singaraja town in learning physics. The reseach was a qualitative study which used a grounded theory design. The informants of the study were students and physics teachers at SHSs in Singaraja town. The data were collected by using survey, observation, and interview methods. The survey was conducted through questionnaire administration, and the observation carried out was passive participative observation. For the interview, semistructured interview technique was employed. The data analysis, first, included the data obtained prior to the field work in the form of preliminary data. The analysis of the field work data included three simultaneous activities: (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing (verification). The data analyses reveal that there are two major problems faced by the students of SHSs at Singaraja town in learning physics, i.e. their difficulty in understanding the physics subject and their dislike toward the physics subject. Their difficulty in learning physics is due to two things: the dense, root learning oriented, and calculation oriented learning materials of physics, and the uncontextual learning process. The students’ dislike toward physics occurs because the teacher does not attend to his/her individual students during the physics teaching and learning in the class.
keyword : learning problems, senior high school students, physics
Kata Kunci : permasalahan belajar, siswa SMA, fisika
The study was aimed at disclosing the problems faced by the students at senior high schools (SHS) in Singaraja town in learning physics. The reseach was a qualitative study which used a grounded theory design. The informants of the study were students and physics teachers at SHSs in Singaraja town. The data were collected by using survey, observation, and interview methods. The survey was conducted through questionnaire administration, and the observation carried out was passive participative observation. For the interview, semistructured interview technique was employed. The data analysis, first, included the data obtained prior to the field work in the form of preliminary data. The analysis of the field work data included three simultaneous activities: (1) data reduction, (2) data display, and (3) conclusion drawing (verification). The data analyses reveal that there are two major problems faced by the students of SHSs at Singaraja town in learning physics, i.e. their difficulty in understanding the physics subject and their dislike toward the physics subject. Their difficulty in learning physics is due to two things: the dense, root learning oriented, and calculation oriented learning materials of physics, and the uncontextual learning process. The students’ dislike toward physics occurs because the teacher does not attend to his/her individual students during the physics teaching and learning in the class.
keyword : learning problems, senior high school students, physics
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