Tujuan penelitian adalah megetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Role Playing berbantuan video edukasi terhadap kreativitas dan penerapan konsep IPA. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan desain penelitian non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP N 1 Tabanan tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang terdiri dari 392 orang dan terbagi dalam 12 kelas, dari 12 kelas diambil 3 kelas sebagai sampel dengan teknik simple random sampling sehingga diperoleh 1 kelas eksperimen yang belajar dengan Model Pembelajaran Role playing berbantuan video edukasi (A1), 1 kelas eksperimen yang belajar dengan Model pembelajaran Role playing tanpa video edukasi (A2) dan 1 kelas kontrol yang belajar dengan Direct Instruction (A3). Pengumpulan data menggunakan Instrumen berupa tes kreativitas dan tes penerapan konsep IPA. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji MANOVA satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan kreativitas dan penerapan konsep antara kelompok A1, A2 dan A3 (p<0,05). Kedua, terdapat perbedaan kreativitas antara kelompok A1, A2 dan A3 (F =60,773; p<0,05). Uji LSD menyatakan bahwa kreativitas siswa kelompok A1 secara signifikan lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan kelompok A2 dan A3. Ketiga, terdapat perbedaan penerapan konsep IPA antara kelompok A1, kelompok A2 dan A3 (F= 9,988; p<0,05). Uji LSD menyatakan bahwa penerapan konsep IPA kelompok A1 secara signifikan lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan A2 dan A3.
Kata Kunci : Role Playing, Video, Kreativitas dan Penerapan Konsep
The purpose of this research was knowing the effect of Role Playing learning model with educational video on creativity and application of science concept. The type of research was quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The study population is all students of class VII SMP N 1 Tabanan academic year 2016/2017 consisting of 392 people and divided into 12 classes, from 12 classes taken 3 classes as a sample with simple random sampling technique so that obtained 1 class of experiments that learn by Model Learning Educational video-aided play Role (A1), 1 experimental class learning with Role playing less educational video learning (A2) and 1 control class with Direct Instruction (A3). Data collection using creativity and application of science concept test. Data were analyzed by using one-way MANOVA test. The results showed that, first there is a significant difference of creativity and concept application between group A1, A2 and A3 (p <0,05). Second, there is a difference of creativity between groups A1, A2 and A3 (F = 60,773; p <0.05). The LSD test stated that the creativity of A1 group students is significantly better than groups A2 and A3. Thirdly, there are differences in the application of the concept of IPA between groups A1, A2 and A3 (F = 9,988; p <0.05). The LSD test states that the application of the A1 group IPA concept is significantly better than group A2 and A3.
keyword : Role Playing, video, creativity, aplication of sciece concept
Kata Kunci : Role Playing, Video, Kreativitas dan Penerapan Konsep
The purpose of this research was knowing the effect of Role Playing learning model with educational video on creativity and application of science concept. The type of research was quasi-experimental research with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The study population is all students of class VII SMP N 1 Tabanan academic year 2016/2017 consisting of 392 people and divided into 12 classes, from 12 classes taken 3 classes as a sample with simple random sampling technique so that obtained 1 class of experiments that learn by Model Learning Educational video-aided play Role (A1), 1 experimental class learning with Role playing less educational video learning (A2) and 1 control class with Direct Instruction (A3). Data collection using creativity and application of science concept test. Data were analyzed by using one-way MANOVA test. The results showed that, first there is a significant difference of creativity and concept application between group A1, A2 and A3 (p <0,05). Second, there is a difference of creativity between groups A1, A2 and A3 (F = 60,773; p <0.05). The LSD test stated that the creativity of A1 group students is significantly better than groups A2 and A3. Thirdly, there are differences in the application of the concept of IPA between groups A1, A2 and A3 (F = 9,988; p <0.05). The LSD test states that the application of the A1 group IPA concept is significantly better than group A2 and A3.
keyword : Role Playing, video, creativity, aplication of sciece concept
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Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
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Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran IPA Indonesia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.